• Dung Beetle

  • Dung Beetle

    Dung Beetle information and facts:

    Latin name:
    The superfamily is called "Scarabaeoidea".
    Type: insect
    Diet: omnivore
    Average lifespan: from three to five years.
    Size: Dung beetles range from less than 1mm to a giant 6cm
    Group name: Group
  • Dung Beetle image There are three types of dung beetles, Rollers, Tunnellers and Dwellers. Rollers are species who make a burrow some way away from the dung they are going to use and then collect small to medium sized lumps of dung to roll into their burrows.
  • Dung Beetle video.

  • Dung Beetle image

    What does a dung beetle look like?

    In common with other insects, there are three main parts to a beetle's body: the head, the thorax (the middle part), and the abdomen (the back part). On the head, beetles have antennae (feelers), eyes, and a mouth. The legs and wings of the beetle are attached to the thorax.
  • Where does the dung beetle live?

    Dung beetles can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Dung Beetle image

    How many types of dung beetles are there?

    There are approximately 37,000 described species of dung beetles. They belong to the order Coleoptera, the largest order in the entire animal kingdom. However, there may be many more dung beetles because thousands of existing species have not yet been described or discovered.
  • Dung Beetle image

    What does a dung beetle eat?

    Dung beetles eat poo! Yuck! Next time you're served a meal you're not crazy about, just be thankful you're not a dung beetle. If you were, you'd be eating dung, or animal waste, instead of that plate of whatever you thought was the ickiest food on Earth. Beetles eat many different things including living plants, rotting plants, animals that may be dead or alive, and animal feces. Some beetles can eat both plants and animals, while others eat just one type of food. Beetles that can only eat one kind of thing are said to be host specific. Many leaf beetles and longhorn beetles are host specific.
  • Dung Beetle image

    What is great about the dung beetle?

    Dung beetles help new trees grow. For example, when a rain forest animal, such as a monkey, eats fruit, some seeds pass through undigested. When a dung beetle comes along, it rolls away a ball of waste, seeds and all, and buries it. Pretty soon, up sprouts a new tree!
  • Did you know about these dung beetle facts?

    • The female dung beetle lays a single egg into each ball of dung and then covers the nest with more dung and soil. When the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the fecal matter.
    • Some of the larger dung beetles can move balls of dung up to 50 times their own weight.
    • Australia imported 45 species of dung beetle from various parts of the world to get rid of cattle dung.
    • One dung beetle can bury 250 times its own weight in a night.
    • There are thousands of species of dung beetles that belong to several families, including the family Scarabaeidae and the family Geotrupidae.
    • A dung beetle can live up to three years.
    • Dung beetles have wings and can fly. Their six legs are made for rolling dung and digging holes.
  • Dung Beetle images

    Dung Beetle rolling a ball Dung Beetle photo Dung Beetle Dung Beetle picture Dung Beetle image
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    Dung Beetle wallpaper 2
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  • Dung Beetle Coloring pages

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    Dung Beetle coloring page 1
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    Dung Beetle coloring page 2
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    Dung Beetle coloring page 3
  • Dung Beetle coloring page
    Dung Beetle coloring page 4
  • Dung Beetle coloring page
    Dung Beetle coloring page 5