• Numbat

  • Numbat

    Numbat facts and information:

    Scientific Name: Myrmecobius Fasciatus
    Type: Mammal
    Diet: Omnivore
    Size: 35-45cm (13-18in)
    Weight: 280-550g (9.9-19oz)
    Top Speed: 24km/h (15mph)
    Life Span: 4-8 years
    Lifestyle: Sociable
  • Numbat walking

    What does a numbat look like?

    The numbat is a small-sized marsupial that is found in Western Australia. The numbat has long, colourful fur and despite being a marsupial, the female numbat does not have a pouch on her belly.
  • Numbat video.

  • Numbat

    Where do numbats live?

    The numbat was once found across Southern Australia, but today the numbat is considered to be an endangered species as there are only a few small numbat colonies found in Western Australia today. It has been estimated that there are only 1,500 numbat individuals left in the wild. Numbats inhabit forests and woodland, particularly those that are mainly made up of eucalyptus trees. Numbats have also been found in grasslands that are relatively close to water.
  • Numbat on a log

    What does a numbat eat?

    Numbats are solitary animals with large home ranges, which they spend the daylight hours hunting for termites and in the dark nights in hollow logs and burrows. Numbats have strong front claws and long tongues which they use to get termites out of their nests. The numbat is an omnivorous animal but it's diet primarily consists of termites and occasionally ants and other small insects. An adult numbat can eat more than 20,000 termites in just one day.
  • Numbat picture

    What are the natural enemies of the numbat?

    Due to their small size, numbats are prey to a number of larger, predatory animals such as foxes, snakes, dingos and feral cats. Dogs also prey on numbats, along with birds of prey that prey on the smaller numbat babies.
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  • Numbat Coloring pages

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