• Vervet Monkey

  • Vervet Monkey

    Vervet Monkey information and facts:

    Scientific Name: Cercopithecus aethiops
    Type: Mammal
    Diet: Omnivorous
    Size: 18 to 26 inches
    Weight: 7 to 17 pounds
    Lifespan: 24 years in captivity
  • Vervet Monkey picture

    What does a Vervet Monkeys look like?

    There are several subspecies of vervet monkeys, but generally the body is a greenish-olive or silvery-gray. The face, ears, hands, feet and tip of the tail are black, but a conspicuous white band on the forehead blends in with the short whiskers. The vervet is classified as a medium-sized to large monkey-males weigh up to 17 pounds. Its tail is usually held up, with the tip curving downward. Its arms and legs are approximately the same length.
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    Where do Vervet Monkeys live?

    This small, black-faced monkey is common in East Africa as it adapts easily to many environments and is widely distributed. In East Africa these monkeys can live in mountain areas up to about 13,000 feet, but they do not inhabit rain forests or deserts. Their preferred habitat is acacia woodland along streams, rivers and lakes. They are diurnal, sleeping and eating in trees from which they seldom venture.
  • Vervet Monkey picture

    What does a Vervet Monkeys eat?

    Leaves and young shoots are most important in the vervet diet, but bark, flowers, fruit, bulbs, roots and grass seeds are also consumed. The mainly vegetarian diet is supplemented with insects, grubs, eggs, baby birds and sometimes rodents and hares. Vervets rarely drink water.
  • Vervet Monkey picture

    Did You Know this about vervet monkeys?

    • Vervet monkeys living near areas inhabited by people can become pests, stealing food and other items and raiding crops. Good climbers, jumpers and swimmers, they often elude capture.
  • Vervet Monkey images

    Vervet Monkey Vervet Monkey image Vervet Monkey with a baby Vervet Monkey picture
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  • Vervet Monkey Wallpapers

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    Vervet Monkey wallpaper 2
  • Vervet Monkey wallpaper
    Vervet Monkey wallpaper 3
  • Vervet Monkey wallpaper
    Vervet Monkey wallpaper 4
  • Vervet Monkey Coloring pages

    Print free Vervet Monkey coloring pages, click on the image to open the large version.
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    Vervet Monkey coloring page 1
  • Vervet Monkey coloring page
    Vervet Monkey coloring page 2
  • Vervet Monkey coloring page
    Vervet Monkey coloring page 3