• Zorilla

  • Zorilla

    Zorilla (striped polecat) facts and information:

    Latin name: Ictonyx striatus
    Type: Mammal
    Diet: Carnivore
    Average lifespan: Up to 13 Yrs (in Captivity)
    Length 28 - 38 cms (11 - 15 inches)
    Tail 20 - 30 cms (8 - 12 inches)
    Weight: 1.5 Kgs (3.25 lbs)
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  • Zorilla imageThe striped polecat is nocturnal, and is therefore not often encountered. It is a solitary animal, and forages for small mammals, insects, spiders, birds' eggs and sometimes snakes or poultry. When out foraging, it trots along with its back slightly hunched and its tail held out horizontally: moving forward purposefully, it pokes its muzzle into loose litter looking for its prey. The Striped Polecat young, usually two or three to a litter, are altricial: they are born blind, hairless and pink.
  • Zorilla image

    What does a Zorilla (striped polecat) look like?

    Striped Polecats are black in colour. The overall body colour is black with four prominent pure white stripes running from the top of the head along the back and sides to base of the tail. Their fluffy tail is grey in colour and if they feel threatened they hiss and scream and emit a fowl smelling fluid from their anal glands.
  • Zorilla image

    Where does the Zorilla (striped polecat) live?

    All types of terrain, including plains, grassland, bush country, forest, rocky areas and mountains. Normally striped polecats live in burrows either dug by itself or taken over from another animal; they can also live in a shelter provided by rocks, tree roots or vegetal debris.
  • What does a Zorilla (striped polecat) eat?

    Striped Polecats feed on rodents, birds, snakes, frogs, lizards, insects and eggs.
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